Live the Life You Deserve – in your home or ours
Many of us would like to retire when we turn 65 and having reached that age ourselves this year, Princes Court has no plans to stop doing what we have loved doing in Mildura since 1957 – and that’s caring for our Mildura aged care residents and at-home clients as if they were our own family.
For almost two thirds of a century, Princes Court has led the way in non-for-profit aged care support for the Sunraysia region, with our friendly, tight-knit team all working together as one big family bonded by the indisputable belief that everyone we support deserves to feel happy, safe, valued and respected. Our residents, staff and dedicated volunteers all contribute to this vibrant community, knowing that we are strongest when we work together to meet the needs of everyone who needs us.
As society gets older and we all live longer, it’s truly comforting to know that a wonderful support service like ours is at hand to offer care, comfort, security and, most of all, happiness. At Princes Court, we look after all your physical, emotional and social needs and help you live the life you choose, with as little or as much support as you need, when you need it – in your own home or in one of our Mildura retirement villages.
For the last five years, our expert caring team at Princes Court has been led by our CEO, Jenny Garonne, who has been instrumental in overturning negative stigmas about aged care and enhancing the level of care we deliver even further.
“Our number one priority in everything we do at Princes Court is the happiness and best quality of life possible for all our residents,” says Jenny. “Making their day brighter and helping them enjoy life, no matter what their circumstances, is our aim each and every day. We offer wonderful cuisine and a variety of activities to make life more fun and we treat all our residents and at-home clients as our family. That’s what makes Princes Court such a special place.”
New Services At Home
Before Christmas, Jenny will take on new pursuits elsewhere but one of the great innovations and legacies she will leave behind is our brand and Princes Court At Home services. In addition to our residential care and independent living village, Princes Court At Home provides flexible, responsive, in-home aged care and support services to assist you with continuing to live independently in your own home.
You decide what you need from us and when you need it, and we can also offer aged care respite for your own usual caregiver or family member whether it be for travel, work, errands, or just to take a little break for themselves.
As we age, some activities can get a little more challenging but we’re on hand to help with anything from general housekeeping, laundry, cooking and cleaning to home maintenance, mowing, gardening, shopping, transportation, medical appointments and paying bills. We can even help you with technology or your mobile phone – goodness knows, we all need help like that sometimes, no matter what our age!
We can also just help with good, old-fashioned companionship – a relaxed chat over a cup of tea and a Tim Tam or three can do wonders for the spirit! More focused respite care in the comfort of your own home is also available.
Working Out When The Time Is Right
Figuring out when the time is right to seek aged care support can be challenging. We all like to be independent, yes, but there’s no shame in getting a little support and peace of mind, especially if you are noticing reduced mobility, difficulty completing routine activities, increased forgetfulness or difficulty maintaining your home. We’re here to help!
Our new aged care services at home is in addition to the independent retirement living, and residential, respite, dementia, and palliative care we offer at our spacious, relaxed and amenity and garden-filled Mildura retirement village, close to everything you want and need, including shops and eateries.
Living it up in our beautiful Princes Court Village, you can enjoy retirement the way you want, living independently and securely within a supportive and friendly community. Completed in 2012, our Village retirement community features 55 independent living units in two and three-bedroom configurations, some with double garages. Residences have all been designed with modern appliances and consideration given to residents’ needs and living standards. Cook yourself or shout yourself a hot, freshly cooked, delivered meal from our own kitchens nearby.
For those who require more support, our residential facility at Princes Court offers long and short-term care for up to 100 residents with low to high needs. Our Mildura aged care residents are supported by a dedicated team of qualified and well-trained staff and have access to allied health professionals. Our staff and volunteers organise a wide range of activities and social events, visiting entertainment and community outings. Each resident also enjoys the privacy of their own spacious room which includes an ensuite. All the buildings at Princes Court Homes are of a high living standard and improvements are continuous with a refurbishment program in place.
Our pampered residents enjoy nutritious and delicious meals designed by our own on-site chef and tailored to meet all dietary requirement. The wonderful interactive atmosphere of our large dining room allows residents an enriching social dining experience at our retirement village in Mildura.
So whatever your age, circumstances or needs, Princes Court has the right, affordable support plan for you to ensure your life is always as rich, rewarding and happy as possible. And if you’re considering options for your ageing parents, rest assured we will care for them as much as you do.
We may be 65 ourselves this year but we’re more committed than ever to meeting the rising aged-care needs of Mildura and beyond.
Give Our Mildura Retirement Village A Call
Princes Court At Home Services – 03 5055 0911 or 0478 743 988
The Village – 03 5023 6488
Residential Care – 03 5022 1022