Princes Court

Our awards & memberships

We are an official ACCPA member 

We are proud members of @ACCPAAustralia, Australia’s national association for aged,
community care and housing services, with a shared vision to enhance the well-being of
ageing Australians. We are working together to achieve a better quality of life for the many
people relying on our care – your family, friends and those within our community who have made a meaningful impact on our lives. For more information visit

Our commitment to being part of ACCPA strengthens us to make our united voice heard, and to realise a high performing, respected and sustainable age services sector that supports older Australians to age well by providing support accommodation, and aged care in Mildura, with quality, safety and compassion – always.

aged care mildura
LASA National Excellence in Aged Care 2020 Award Winner

In October 2020, we were thrilled to receive a prestigious national award for compassion and innovation in the care and support of older people.

Leading Aged Services Australia (LASA) is the voice of aged care and announced its 2020 Excellence in Age Services (EIAS) award winners Princes Court receiving the national Organisation award.

After being named the Victorian winner earlier in the year, Princes Court was among 24 finalists at the National awards.

The award also recognised Princes Court for its emphasis on community engagement and exploring new alliances with local organisations, schools and community groups.

We continually seek ways to expand the Sunraysia community’s involvement and ensure our culture embraces change and diversity by exploring innovative programs through schools and community groups to develop connections that provide companionship, stimulation, sharing of experiences, music, and outings.

“Passion, positivity, innovation and linking multiple aspects of the local community in creative ways” is the cornerstone of how we continually enrich the lives of our residents” Jenny Garonne, CEO

Our community members participate in a range of operational and decision-making processes such as interview panels for prospective staff, in nominating “staff of the month awards”, by forming food tasting committees and by continually providing opportunities to seek feedback and suggestions for improvement.

We hold regular meetings with residents, families, and staff to provide multiple opportunities for feedback, empowering our members in a safe, kind, and empathic environment, to ensure a genuine culture of openness, understanding and respect at our retirement villages in Mildura.

mildura retirement villages
Prime Super Employer Excellence in Aged Care Award Finalist

With a higher than average staff ratio, the enthusiasm with which our team have responded to increasing demands due to covid, with additional workloads and changing practices, is truly amazing, working long days and weekends when needed to ensure our Mildura retirement village residents are safe and emotionally secure.

“Our 150 amazing and committed staff are the backbone of Princes Court. It’s their collective positivity and team focus that has resulted in us winning this award. They are so valued for their contribution to the lives of the people we serve.” Jenny Garonne, CEO

This award is testament to our team being actively involved in activities and decision-making, driving us to excellence. We work with together to understand team members’ needs and offer flexibility and advancement through personal development and have a focus on team wellbeing. This ensures we have an engaged, enthusiastic, and passionate team at our Mildura retirement villages, providing the best environment for our community members.

The below is in relation to the organisation being so successful with the reaccreditation.

In January 2020, we were thrilled to receive 42 out of 42 requirements in a rare 100% success rate in reaccreditation from Leading Aged Services Australia (LASA), the national association for age service providers across residential care, home care and retirement living.

This result was achieved thorough consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral principles, values and ethics which are underpinned by a demonstrably vibrant culture of caring, consistency, consultation, and improvement in all areas of service delivery.

mildura retirement villages
retirement village mildura
Care & support services
AT Home

There are many ways we can assist you at home. We offer a full range of care and support services in the Mildura region to enable you to live independently in your own home, tailoring the services you receive to meet your goals and needs.

in home aged care services
retirement villages mildura

Independent retirement living
AT THE Village

Facilities, freedom, and support to do as much or as little as you like. Our 2-and 3-bedroom architecturally-designed units are in the heart of Mildura, immersed in beautifully landscaped gardens, so you can live your retirement your way.

aged care mildura
mildura retirement village

Residential care 
IN OUR Homes

Our homes boast a warm and welcoming community. Surrounded by beautiful gardens and courtyards in the heart of Mildura, our well-established secure homes offer long and short-term care for people who need daily additional support in residential, respite, dementia, or palliative care.